Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My Awards and Honours

Award is the most valuable thing which makes people happy on their achievement. During my school life that is in India I have received many prizes and now they are the part of my life as I remember each moment of success with the help of them. The awards are really important to me. Here I would like to mention some of the prizes which I can't forget through out my whole life :
  • From First grade till grade seven I have received prizes for standing first in the class. Along with that I have received " The Best Student" prize twice in my school life.
  • Outside the School also I have won many prizes. I have stood first twice in Fashion Show organised by the Rotary Club in my city.
  • I have also won bronze medal in National Table Tennis Competition for the school.

Awards definitely boost up your hard work and they also motivate you to achieve your goals.

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