Thursday, May 20, 2010

MIS and My Career

Management Information System(MIS), are information systems, typically computer based that are used within an organisation. It is the development and use of information system that help businesses to achieve their goals and objectives and the main key elements of MIS are:
  1. Development and Use
  2. Information System
  3. Business Goals and Objectives

It not only allow for the collection of vast amounts of business data, but they also save the time of the workforce. As also in the past, due to lack of information systems, information of businesses had to be manually processed for fulfilling and analyzing. Now due to the technology, it can now be entered easily and quickly onto a computer through data processor, which allows faster decision making and quicker reflexes for the enterprise as a whole.

Some of the basic information systems that are used mostly in the business are:

  1. E-mails.
  2. Accessing Web Pages.
  3. Instant Messages.
  4. Blogs.

According to me this MIS is helping me a lot in my carrier and I am sure that like this only it will help me in the future to achieve my goals and the objectives of businesses.

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