Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My Awards and Honours

Award is the most valuable thing which makes people happy on their achievement. During my school life that is in India I have received many prizes and now they are the part of my life as I remember each moment of success with the help of them. The awards are really important to me. Here I would like to mention some of the prizes which I can't forget through out my whole life :
  • From First grade till grade seven I have received prizes for standing first in the class. Along with that I have received " The Best Student" prize twice in my school life.
  • Outside the School also I have won many prizes. I have stood first twice in Fashion Show organised by the Rotary Club in my city.
  • I have also won bronze medal in National Table Tennis Competition for the school.

Awards definitely boost up your hard work and they also motivate you to achieve your goals.

Monday, May 24, 2010

My Community Involvement

I was involved in Help Age India community back in India. I collected funds for this community. Even I have donated more then hundred thousand Rupees to this community till now. Moreover, I arranged short Marathon for the promotion of Help Age India . I am supporting this community for six years continuously till now.

About Help Age India:

Help Age India work for the cause and care of the disadvantaged older persons and to improve their quality of life. Help Age is working closely with Senior Citizen Associations and encouraging seniors to speak up for their own rights. Their main aim is to help elders rebuild their own lives and take charge of their own future, restoring within them a sense of self worth and confidence.
You can read about them on www.helpageindia.org

Sunday, May 23, 2010

My Personal Goals

My Aim is as high as the sky. As I am doing Business Administration- Finance, I surely want to open my own business very soon. Despite of that I want to be a good social service in the community in which I am involved even now that is Help Age India. I am very sure due to my social service which I did before and even doing now, many old people would be benefited. I will be continuously doing hard work as I am doing now to make my dreams fulfill. I remember the famous quote by Albert Einstein which is " If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal and not to people or things."

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Information System

An information system(IS) is any combination of information technology and people's activities using that technology to support operations, management, and decision making.

Five fundamental components of computer-based information systems are:

  1. Computer Hardware
  2. Software
  3. Data
  4. Procedures
  5. People

The IS which I am talking about is Facebook. According to me, there's nobody left in this world who don't know about it. It is being used all around the world.

This IS is used by the people mostly on day to day bases. To access you free account on Facebook you need to have the computer which is the hardware, and then you need the user name and password which is the software, which connects you to the people of whole world. It keeps the data of its users in the form of information of the person, images, videos, etc. For having account in this you have to sign up in the facebook.

Facebook is social networking website, so it makes very easy for you to connect with your friends who are far away from you, even there are communities, which can reconnects you to your school or helps you to establish the business contacts. It is really very helpful information system.

Friday, May 21, 2010

My Business Process

A business process is a collection of related, structured activities or tasks that produce a specific service or product(serve a particular goal) for a particular customer or customers. According to me, every business process :
  1. has a specific goal.
  2. has specific input.
  3. has specific output.
  4. uses resources.

1) has specific goal: like in India I have worked on stores as a customer care, so my goal was customer satisfaction by providing them better product and maximization of profit of the store.

2) has specific input: In my job it is providing customers with their required need or product.

3) has specific output: the customers satisfaction and increase in the number of customers is their output which is directly a profit to the store.

4) uses: the use of their maximum resources in the store which includes the availability of maximum products under one roof.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

MIS and My Career

Management Information System(MIS), are information systems, typically computer based that are used within an organisation. It is the development and use of information system that help businesses to achieve their goals and objectives and the main key elements of MIS are:
  1. Development and Use
  2. Information System
  3. Business Goals and Objectives

It not only allow for the collection of vast amounts of business data, but they also save the time of the workforce. As also in the past, due to lack of information systems, information of businesses had to be manually processed for fulfilling and analyzing. Now due to the technology, it can now be entered easily and quickly onto a computer through data processor, which allows faster decision making and quicker reflexes for the enterprise as a whole.

Some of the basic information systems that are used mostly in the business are:

  1. E-mails.
  2. Accessing Web Pages.
  3. Instant Messages.
  4. Blogs.

According to me this MIS is helping me a lot in my carrier and I am sure that like this only it will help me in the future to achieve my goals and the objectives of businesses.